147 research outputs found

    Digital Project Leadership and Talent Management in the As-Practice Perspective

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    Digital Transformation studies have emphasized the emergence of new post-alignment challenges with a more seamless integration of business and technology strategies. Project leaders face more complex tasks, requiring hybrid skillsets, blending business and technology expertise, and spanning operational and strategic levels. The research question motivating this review is: how can IT executives best identify and position IT professionals and managers to fit digital leadership roles? These challenges are directly linked to Talent Management (TM) practices to help coach project teams and managers in developing digital leadership competencies. A brief literature review is presented, grounded in theoretical perspectives that link these competencies to IT and digital strategy outcomes. A model is proposed to integrate the literature around Strategy-as-Practice and Project-as-Practice serving as broader theoretical canvas. The conclusion proposes a research agenda to help integrate TM with digital leadership and encourage new empirical studies of digital projects in the “as-practice” perspective

    Coding-complete genome sequence of a Falcon aviadenovirus A strain associated with necrotizing hepatitis in an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

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    A necropsy was performed on an American kestrel (Falco sparverius) with necrotizing hepatitis associated with inclusion bodies, suggesting an adenovirus infection. A next-generation sequencing assay was conducted on the liver, and the coding-complete genome sequence of a Falcon aviadenovirus A strain was revealed

    Expérimentation d'une nouvelle méthode culturale sur billons (BED) pour produire des pommes de terres de semences destinées à l'exportation

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «Des racines et des ailes pour la recherche collégiale», dans le cadre du 85e Congrès de l’Acfas, Université McGill, Montréal, les 8 et 9 mai 2017.Pour le marché de l’exportation, la taille de la semence de pomme de terre est un important critère de qualité : un tubercule entier mesurant entre 38 et 55 mm est recherché. L’objectif du projet était d’évaluer l’impact de la taille et de la densité de plantation sur la taille des tubercules produits. Deux variétés, Chieftain et Harmony, ont été expérimentées avec deux distances entre les rangs, trois distances sur le rang et deux grosseurs de plantons. La production en plateforme a été comparée à la production traditionnelle en rang unique. Pour la variété Harmony, la production de tubercules de 38 à 55 mm a été significativement supérieure avec une distance entre les rangs de 40 cm, une distance sur le rang de 20 cm et un planton de 100 g. Le système en plateforme a généré un rendement total supérieur et a produit davantage de tubercules de la taille recherchée. Pour la variété Chieftain, la production de tubercules de 38 à 55 mm a été considérablement plus élevée avec une distance entre les rangs de 40 cm, des distances sur le rang de 20 et 25 cm et un planton de 100 g. Le projet a démontré que le système en plateforme est plus performant pour la production de semences de la taille recherchée pour l’exportation, que la densité de plantation, tant entre les rangs que sur le rang, a un impact sur la taille des tubercules produits, et enfin, que les variétés répondent différemment aux traitements de densité de plantation

    Architecture Strategy and Business Technology Management for Digital Leaders

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    We invite Information Systems (IS) educators, program chairs, and school executives to discuss and explore how to best prepare the next generation of digital leaders, in particular architecture strategy as enabler of digital transformation and innovation. Global companies proceed with Digital Transformation as a strategy to improve their business model with digital platforms efficiency to enhance competitive. Previous research has identified leadership as one critical success factor for Digital Transformation strategy. To stimulate this discussion, they will discover the Architecture Strategy of Digital Transformation with Adaptive Integrated Digital Architecture Framework (AIDAF) and Business Technology Management (BTM), a Canadian program accreditation standard, as well as a Body of Knowledge (BOK) outlining a vision for future digital leadership competencies. This workshop will allow for a review of various digital leadership competency frameworks and engage participants to become active contributors in their development, reuse, and adoption by IS programs internationally

    Psychogenic or neurogenic origin of agrammatism and foreign accent syndrome in a bipolar patient: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) is a rare speech disorder characterized by the appearance of a new accent, different from the speaker's native language and perceived as foreign by the speaker and the listener. In most of the reported cases, FAS follows stroke but has also been found following traumatic brain injury, cerebral haemorrhage and multiple sclerosis. In very few cases, FAS was reported in patients presenting with psychiatric disorders but the link between this condition and FAS was confirmed in only one case. CASE PRESENTATION: In this report, we present the case of FG, a bipolar patient presenting with language disorders characterized by a foreign accent and agrammatism, initially categorized as being of psychogenic origin. The patient had an extensive neuropsychological and language evaluation as well as brain imaging exams. In addition to FAS and agrammatism, FG also showed a working memory deficit and executive dysfunction. Moreover, these clinical signs were related to altered cerebral activity on an FDG-PET scan that showed diffuse hypometabolism in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes bilaterally as well as a focal deficit in the area of the anterior left temporal lobe. When compared to the MRI, these deficits were related to asymmetric atrophy, which was retrospectively seen in the left temporal and frontal opercular/insular region without a focal lesion. DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, FG is the first case of FAS imaged with an (18)F-FDG-PET scan. The nature and type of neuropsychological and linguistic deficits, supported by neuroimaging data, exclude a neurotoxic or neurodegenerative origin for this patient's clinical manifestations. For similar reasons, a psychogenic etiology is also highly improbable. CONCLUSION: To account for the FAS and agrammatism in FG, various explanations have been ruled out. Because of the focal deficit seen on the brain imaging, involving the left insular and anterior temporal cortex, two brain regions frequently involved in aphasic syndrome but also in FAS, a cerebrovascular origin must be considered the best explanation to account for FG's language deficits

    Réussite scolaire, symptômes anxieux et dépressifs rapport de recherche /

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    "La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le Ministère de l'éducation, du loisir et du sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)"Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 19 février 2008).Également disponible en format papier.Bibliogr

    Identification of a novel herpesvirus associated with a penile proliferative lesion in a beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    The carcass of an adult male beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) was found beach cast in 2008 on the shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary at Rivière-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada. The carcass was transported to the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire of the Université de Montréal for postmortem examination. Aspiration pneumonia was the probable cause of death. Necropsy revealed a focal papilloma-like penile lesion, characterized by focal mucosal thickening with disorganization of the epithelial layers and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. A pan-herpesvirus nested PCR assay on frozen tissue from the penile lesion was positive. The PCR product sequencing revealed a partial herpesvirus DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene sequence of 600 nucleotides. Its nearest nucleotide identity was with the partial DPOL gene of an alphaherpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 5 (79.5% identity). It also shared high identity with several other marine mammal herpesviruses (50.2 to 77.3% identity). This new herpesvirus was tentatively named beluga whale herpesvirus (BWHV). Virus isolation was unsuccessful. The pathogenic potential of BWHV is unknown, but the evaluation of archived tissues suggests that the virus is endemic in the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population
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